
I have been working out by doing calisthenics for almost a decade now, and it has had a tremendous effect on my mind and body.

Apex performance, 2022
Apex performance, 2022

So, here's some advice on how to get fit. And a backstory to go along with that.

In a 10 year span

In 2012, I was 14 years old and got classed as overweight (70kg and 172cm) at my yearly health check-up. That scared me.

With no idea on how to get to where I want to be, I started running. My workout routine was only cardio - 4km a day, 5 times a week.

After about 6 years of that, the results were subpar. Lost some fat, but had no muscle. If you looked at me, you couldn't tell that I "work out".

Six years of running will get you this, 2018
Six years of running will get you this, 2018

So I quit cardio and decided to start doing calisthenics. My first PR for pull ups was 4.

What are those!, 2019
What are those!, 2019

I would say that this was the starting point of actual progress. Constant PRs, body morphing into better shape. I was loosing bits of fat and gaining muscle mass. Also, pull ups fixed my scoliosis.

Getting there slowly, 2020
Getting there slowly, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic was good due to being able to work out at home. To fully get good body proportions, I started doing ab and legs workouts and have been doing the same thing for 3 years. Oh, and also I started intermittent fasting (16/8 cycle).

Woah, is that me?, 2021
Woah, is that me?, 2021

At some point I hit my max PR which I believe is my hard cap. My current PR for pull ups is 55 WITHOUT KIPS (65 with kipping). To achieve more, without going to the gym and lifting weights, I would have to start training with weighted vests... or start taking performance enhancing drugs (no thanks lol).

The best part is that I'm now keeping it up at 70kg at 176 cm, except this time it is mostly muscle.

This is me now, 2023
This is me now, 2023

I want to get fit too! Where do I start?

All you need is a yoga mat, a jump rope and a pull-up bar and you're good to go.


The workout

Do A warmup before a workout to avoid injury!

Upper body

In such order: Pull ups -> Triceps dips -> Push ups -> Chin ups

Do each exercise 5 times, each time as many reps as possible and rest for 1 minute between each attempt. After the fifth time, rest for 2 minutes before moving onto the next exercise.

So, in detail, do pull ups once for a max number of reps, then chill for a minute, do pull ups again, chill for a minute... do pull ups for the fifth time, chill for two minutes and move onto the next excercise.


10 different abs exercises. For each exercise, you have to either do 50 reps (ex: 50 reps of russian twists) or do a hold for a minute (ex: hold a plank for one minute). Rest when needed.

For inspiration on what exercises you can do, look up Fraser Wilson. If you choose to do harder exercises (ex. leg lifts), you will have faster and better results.

Of couse, if you're fat, no amount of ab training will bring those muscles out.


In such order: Lunges -> Leg raises -> Quadruped single leg lift -> Standing calf raises -> Wall-sit -> Squats -> Plank

For each exercise, you have to either do 50 reps (ex: 50 reps of lunges) or do a hold for a minute (ex: hold a wall-sit for one minute). Between each exercise, do 70 reps of jump rope skips. Rest when needed.

It is also good to invest in a bicycle (but this is optional), and ride around your city, instead of using a car.